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The Sleeping Giant

A Queen lays dormant absorbing aggregation from the people of the world, just waiting on the right moment to awaken and completely conquer the globe.

A sleeping giant by definition is one that has great but unrealized or newly emerging power; which this beauty does not pretend to do. She knows how powerful she is, she knows her wrath will shake the economy at a magnitude no seismometer can record. This beautiful creature has been growing since 1995 and has had no plans to stop, to have a birds-eye view of the maverick is something most of us have been privileged to.

The wizard who created her those many years ago in his lab utilized an ancient spell he found in his garage. As the Godess formed she appeared with grace, beauty, and power; the wizard knew she deserved one name and one name only.

Borrowed Google Image


I hope the lead up to the read up created some anticipation. Or did you know a couple sentences in where I was going with this?

Amazon (AMZ), The Sleeping Giant, a Maverick I'm sure the late great Jay Moriarity would have surfed, well if it could physically be done that is. Amazon (AMZ) in my biased but well researched opinion is going to be the investment opportunity people wish they took ten years from now. The company has consistently grown yoy (year-over-year) since she first began to be traded back in 1997, now this is not to say traders haven't lost money because that would just not be true (Traders and Investors are two different beasts).

But I am saying if you put a thousand bucks into Amazon (AMZ) in 1997 and left it until today you would notice quite a difference in your account. If you invested $1,000 in Amazon (AMZ) back in late 1997 and left it alone until now; you would hold over 13,000 shares and roughly $1.4 million dollars in that portfolio.

Amazon (AMZ) 1998-2023 yoy and it is all handle on this cup

Amazon (AMZ) bought Thursday Night football from the NFL and will pay over $1,000,000,000 annually to do so. Amazon (AMZ) is it's own robotics company which they are choosing to only utilize within their own operations. I haven't read enough into it so this is my own bias, but I believe they are just trial and erroring their AI in their own operations for the next decade or so and then they will release something huge.

Amazon (AMZ) owns PillPack an online pharmacy, Twitch the live stream gaming platform, MGM Holdings Inc (Pending the approval), Whole Foods, and so much more. Look I understand people have families, bills, vape refills, and streaming services to pay for; but the reality is technology allows us to invest in fractional shares of companies. You can open a Webull account for free with as little as $10.00 and setup an automated purchase of Amazon (AMZ) for as little as you'd like, we'll call it $10.00 a week. So everyweek Webull will automatically take $10.00 from your bank account and buy some Amazon (AMZ). You do that for a year, you've painlessly invested $520 into Amazon (AMZ) and it might even grow a little along the way.

The awesome part is you can do this with dozens of companies, big name companies, even the crypto giants Bitcoin and Ethereum. I utilize $400 a month in this fashion; $110 to Amazon (AMZ) and $150 divided into Netflix Inc (NFLX), SPDR S&P 500 (SPY), Invesco S&P 500 (SPGP), and SPDR Gold Shares (GLD). I invest $60 into Proshares Bitcoin ETF (BITO) and the remaining $80 into altcoins (Altcoin: Alternative digital currency to bitcoin.), I fully believe the crypto market will be bountiful again and is a gateway to big money fast in a risky way.

If you want to feel the way George Jung did running Cocaine through the airport, take a $1,000 and trade some Altcoins.

What I'm getting at is Amazon (AMZ) is the investment for the long term, a possibility to change your life in the future. We spend so much money on miscellaneous bullshit that will never offer us a return, we let our money sit in bank accounts earning no interest, and people consistently find ways to not intentionally put some money aside for later.

Amazon (AMZ) like everything else is not a "sure" thing, but Amazon (AMZ) is absolutely a solid investment option to start your portfolio with. The company is a complete powerhouse with multiple splits; that has consistently given back a positive ROI (return-on-investment) yoy (year-over-year). You don't just get to be a part of the NFL, never the less buy one of their nights of the week; I still can not get over how huge that is. When Amazon (AMZ) got that Thursday Night Football contract I was like, "Tesla What?" "Elon, Who?", "Amazooch take my money diosa." (Amazooch: Italian slang term for Amazon, better known as Amazon.).

Amazon (AMZ) at anything under $200 in my opinion, is a complete steal and you dont have to be some savey finance guru, have a fancy degree, or do some intricate technical analysis. You just have to be open to investing some money and staying consistent compounding the investment for a long period of time; and have the discipline to leave it alone no matter what.

Have patience, read along the way (News is news right? I like TWSJ as my source personally I believe their information to be of quality and their writers are decorated in the industry).

and continue to add other juggernauts that have proven to give an ROI (return-on-investment) over time. You can build a monster portfolio off of compounding fractional shares and create yourself a well oiled machine.

The securities markets are full of money and have proven time and time again to be profitable should the strategy implemented be well founded.

In my biased and professional opinion The Sleeping Giant that is Amazon is the perfect ingredient to begin your perpetual stew.

This is a borrowed Google image, I do not own it.

Christopher J. Roes, Biased Author


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