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The Quarterback of Sparta

Google Image I took, this is not mine

With moments left on the game clock a charging home team's offense stood moments away from victory, all that was required is a first down allowing the team to run victory formation.

As the offense lined up, the defense read the play swimmingly. The offense had the number one running back in football so it made sense on fourth and inches it would be a run up the gut.

The defense timed the play perfect! As quick as the offense snapped, the defense was in the backfield; the number one running back in football was stuffed. The defense created a first and ten putting their offense back on the field, the time had ticked down to thirty-three seconds. The visiting offense could see the defense was tired, the defensive backs were operating steps behind the visiting wide receivers; it only made sense to throw.

Not because it was expected but because it was going to be effective, the visiting offense lines up, crowd roars, offense snaps.

like a bat out of hell all of the visiting wide receivers run straight go routes, as the clock ticks down to twenty-four seconds the quarterback hits the tight end who ran a curl route about nine yards up.

Short of the first down the clock continues to tick, visiting offense rushes to the ball. Clock is at Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!


Visiting offense spikes the ball with five seconds remaining on the play clock. See a first down would've stopped the clock earlier on, knowing the defense was gassed, the visiting offense ran their defenders hard one more play.

The visiting offense also knew the home team was out of time outs, this was their time to strike. Implementing their hurry up offense, the visiting team got right to the ball, quarterback called the cadence seared into the offenses cerebellums; they've run this play hundreds of times at practice.


With one last push the visiting wide receivers turn on the jets, they run two straight go and two post. The home team's defense just dose not have enough in the tank to stick man to man, the visiting quarterback flies one up to an open post.


Zero time on the clock, the visiting team wins! Stunned and dissapointed the home team fans and some of the players begin to point fingers. Fingers at their quarterback, he didn't read the defenses run stop earlier, he failed to call an audible, and because of it they didn't get the first down. Because of the quarterback's neglect the home team lost the game. As the quarterback the young man accepts this fate and wears it with grace, he apologizes for not being better; he wears the teams loss as his own fault.

For the most part the rest of the team allows this to happen, not taking responsibility as a whole; ecspecially the defense. The quarterback is the focal point, the face of a team, even more than the coach; so he may as well deal with the negative press right?

I truly believe this is how our country operates.

Let me be perfectly clear up front. I do not vote and I do not pay much attention to politics directly, but I do pay attention to us humans.

I believe whole heartedly we are our own demise and we refuse to see it, we the people are the defense; and as of lately we just have not stepped up to make a stop.

We no longer help each other up, we no longer pat each others back, we don't want to work, and worst of all; we all feel like we are owed something. Honestly, I believe it starts with us as men. To many of us, not all, no longer get our elbows dirty. We let our bodies go to shit eating junk, a majority of us sit all day on top of it, we get home and give off no masculine energy.

Dave Granlund, if you see this please don't sue me. I found this on Google Images. Thank you!

Females all over America are with a man that dose not make them feel safe and secure. My female is a strong, beautiful woman of color; she does not need me. She chooses me, she chooses to follow my lead, because as a man I've earned that privilege.

I make my female feel safe, secure, and loved. She knows I will protect her at all costs even if I must perish to do so. I am thankful for RV living because it is pushing me to become more of a problem solver, a physical provider, I am becoming more handy. We have been sharing financial duties for a few years now, so now I can be of service to her, to us; by taking care of our home physically. I really believe this has given me a stronger masculine aura, I feel more masculine in general lately.

Money is great, insurance is wise, a 401K helps, but nothing measures up to a Leonidas guarding his fortress. The American Man is becoming weaker and weaker as the decades roll by.

Google Image, I do not own this art.

I am thankful females are strong, the reality is this isn't new; females have always been powerful. They create life, they build men up, and demand we earn their faith. Why do you think females are always depicted as powerful? Examples Cataleya Restrepo, Hermione Granger, Gamora, Valkyrie, Okoye, Queen Gorgo, and so many more.

I know I went off the rails per usual but I feel like it needs to be said, as men we need to look inside more.

Stop blaming the people in power for everything, if we can find a way as a species to become more about preserving our homes that would be a solid step in the right direction.

Focus on making your foundations strong, creating a powerful bond with our female instead of asking her to just follow, build your Sparta.

Let her be strong, she needs to be, because if you die you don't want her left lost; or worst of all jumping right into someone elses arms in order to survive.

The funny part is I know in my heart that it will never happen, we are to far gone. You know I genuinely agree with Thanos, although terrified to lose my Boop, i'd 100% still let him snap his fingers. Fifty percent of all living entities just dissapear like that, could Kim and I be lucky enough to survive the wave? I mean the risk reward ratio to be part of humanities rebuild is solid. At worst we just "POOF" and are gone, at best we become part of the reset. We pack our Reflection and head out to Montana to pursue a internet free existence as deep in as we can (Note to self add solar to RV).

Still yet to get to my point right? My point is the people in power have a lot to do with our success as humans. But if we don't step up to the plate and do our part as inhabitants no matter what, our society will not succeed. If we do not step up as males and salvage our species masculinity the structure of our Spartas will continue to weaken and continue to become broken.

The weak male has simply forced our females to step up even more than they already do, financial stability is not the only power; but for some reason is all a lot of todays males think is the key.

Like the quarterback it is easy to point the finger at our government, it is easy to say it is a specific party. The reality is if we continue to not step up on defense and make a stop, winning the big game, surviving this modern society; its going to continue to get harder.

I am willing to bet if we become better as men and focus on repairing, preserving, building ours. We may just see some positive changes in our society before our time is up, hopefully setting up the future generation to be stronger than we once were.


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