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A Philanthropic Possibility

When it comes to investing a majority of us tend to keep our portfolios in the realm of familiar. We like to put our money in things we know and understand, we put our money in companies that exist in our direct realm. Americans invest in the American market, Asians invest in the Asian market, and The Europeans invest in the Euronext.

It makes sense right?

Most likely, up until the previous paragraph there were some of you who didn't even realize there were markets in other parts of the world. And that is perfectly normal, we don't know what we have never seen. To be quite frank I don't invest overseas myself, it is hard enough navigating our own markets. To learn another continents economy is not only mentally exhausting, but also intimidating.

This is why I love the Crypto market so much! It is a volatile beast, and the reason being is because it is a true universal market. There is no segregation, people fail to realize that BTC (Bitcoin) is BTC whether you be in America, China, or London.

There is something about it that just makes it beautiful; yah know? It is amazing that most people don't realize we the inhabitants of Earth can help each other become wealthy on a larger scale. Crypto currencies are not dictated by the trading of one sector, but by the trading of the whole entire world. This is why the Crypto market is volatile 24-7-365, this is why some of the bigger names on Wallstreet shake in their boots. The global pump we could create with Crypto currencies could shake the global economy. The pump could make some of us infinitely rich. The dump could leave others looking for the tallest building they can find.

Such a beautiful, yet dark equilibrium.

I think SHIB (Shiba Inu Token) stands for the aforementioned on a smaller scale. I mean it literally has no value other than what we the people make it. You can't really buy anything with it, there are over 1,000,000,000,000,000 (One-quadrillion) coins in circulation.

That is just fucking absurd!

But, for those of us in line at the Shib-Deli ordering the wish sandwich to go. We understand what is happening. This universal assistance of us all, to make us all rich is one of those rare occasions in the universe where we all stand united for a common cause. This global teamwork of people burning (destroying) their own SHIB tokens in order to lessen the number of coins in circulation to effectively raise SHIB's value. Burning one's SHIB requires this self-sacrificing, public-spirited mentality that we don't really get to experience anymore.

It is a huge reason why I risk holding the bag on my SHIB investment. In my mind I'm getting rich or I'm losing it all.


Roughly 8.5 billion SHIB has been burned this year.

SHIB is just one example of the possibilities available because Crypto was created. Now, don't get me wrong. There are a lot of risks as well, believe me I know; my experimentations in the Crypto markets have left me rug pulled twice.

Rug Pull: When you invest in an altcoin that is not regulated on the Bitcoin or Ethereum block chains. The creator of said altcoin takes all the invested money and bails on the project. This leaves you holding X number of coins valued at $0.00, this is why I now only invest in projects associated with the BTC and ETH blockchains.

There are so many projects out there carrying the same ideology as SHIB, like PEPE for instance. It has been on a run lately that even has an experienced speculator such as me experiencing FOMO. But I'm fully vested in AMZN, the company is a true juggernaut. I have all my gambling funds locked into SHIB for the long haul, Diamond Hands hea! So, for me, I will just have to miss out on PEPE.

But what is most important is that you see this philanthropic possibility that is the crypto verse. That you appreciate the opportunity in front of you to win exponentially. But respect the possibility to lose it all is more likely. Understanding both narratives will allow you to make a more strategic investment. Also, Reddit, use Reddit. The Reddit community are warriors, they wake up and choose violence against the markets every day.

We all deserve a chance to have a chance to be rich, the crypto market is that philanthropic possibility.

Disclaimer: I Christopher J. Roes am not a financial professional, my typing is my biased opinions of the market. My thesis is based on my personal experiences with profits and losses. Timing is a key component in my ability to be successful, and something that can only be learned with time.


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